Men Have Skin, Too: A Story About Men's Skin Care

Men Have Skin, Too: A Story About Men's Skin Care

Peace, y'all.

I know y'all are used to my wife, Terran, bringing you the natural hygiene and skincare knowledge. I know how much she studies to make sure she's giving y'all the best advice on how to use natural products to heal your skin challenges. There's no one more qualified than her—especially between the two of us.

But I'm jumping in for this one to talk to the fellas.

I know we like to keep it simple. Many of us don't have a dedicated skincare routine. We use what's available to make sure we are clean. Every once in a while we'll lotion the parts of our body that aren't covered with clothes. 

We aren't trying to overcomplicate things. In fact, we avoid things that seem too complicated.

I know this because this used to be me before I met my wife. I used whatever skincare products that were cheapest and available at the time. 

The problem with this when you go cheap with your skincare, you're not actually getting what you think you're getting. That cheap lotion is made up of mostly water, which means you're going to be ashy again in 5 minutes. That soap you use—the one that's on all the shelves at the store—actually contains chemicals that irritate the skin.

Men: we know we need to take care of our skin at some point (we do know this, right?) but we want to keep it simple. Here are the only natural skin care products a man needs for a simple, all-natural face regimen. 

A face cleanser

Step one is to choose a natural soap. You can read about the differences between the commercial soap you've been using and natural soaps. We also have liquid soaps and bar soaps. Which one to use really depends on which is easier for you to use. Your soap's job is to remove the oil and dirt that builds up throughout the day. Look for soaps with these healing herbs in the ingredients if you have skin challenges like acne or eczema.

An exfoliant

You are not too cool to exfoliate, bruh.

Exfoliating removes dead skin cells, which can cause breakouts, and increases the blood flow under our skin to rejuvenate our skin tone. You can use a scrub like salt or sugar, a face mask, or our sisal cloth to gently remove the dead skin cells from your face. 

A toner

After you wash and exfoliate, next is to use a toner to balance your skin’s pH, tighten your pores, and remove any traces of dirt your soap may have missed. Witch hazel, rose water, tea tree oil, and yarrow root are great natural ingredients to look for in a toner. These ingredients are also natural antiseptics and anti-inflammatories, so your toner can also double as an aftershave. 

A moisturizer

The last step in your routine is to moisturize. Don't use lotion, use a few small dabs of a face serum made with light oils like sunflower, olive, or jojoba. These resemble sebum, which is the oil our skin produces naturally, so it’s not too dry or too oily.

Masculine scents

Don't worry about smelling like flowers. Our line of natural products includes woodsy scents like cedarwood and lemongrass. They make for a nice undertone to whatever cologne you usually wear.

Do the right thing for your face and swap out your commercial products for ones made with only natural ingredients. Trust me, it's an easy switch to make.